
Health Benefits of an Avocado & How to Grow Them

If you ever wondered about the process of planting and growing your very own avocado tree, this article will help you get started. Besides the amazing taste, avocados can bring surreal benefits to our health. So why not plant an avocado seed in your own garden or even...

3 Ways Houseplants Improve Your Mental Health

Keeping a houseplant isn’t only a good hobby that will add beauty to any indoor space. Aside from the aesthetics, houseplants can also benefit your mental health. Plants are more than just decor or a hobby to keep; caring for them can give you a sense of purpose...

How COVID-19 Vaccines Are Affecting Menstrual Cycles

Since 2021, when widespread COVID-19 vaccinations began, multiple cases of women with painful cramps, delayed periods and other changes in their menstrual cycles were reported. Right away, researchers looked into the matter and found a correlation between the COVID-19...

Healthy Aging: 3 Diet Changes Women over 50 Should Make

Healthy eating should always be central to those seeking to protect their well-being and the integrity of their physical body. But, as they age, people leave their peak fitness years behind. Without the constant peer pressure and concrete athletic goals to provide...