
Take Care of Your Mental Health Once the Holiday Blues Kick In

Blues: a feeling of melancholy and unhappiness in response to specific circumstances. Countless singers have crooned about “feeling blue” and what (or who) made them feel that way. We have all been there at some point in our lives.  Sometimes, those feelings are...

10 Ways to Lose the Holiday Weight

FollowFollowFollow While you may feel as though you grow two sizes over the holidays every year, the average American adult will gain only one pound over Thanksgiving and Christmas. This doesn’t sound like much, but it adds to the weight you gained over your...

Relaxation Tips for Post-Holiday Stress

What do you think of when the holiday season approaches? Time off work and vacation with family, or additional responsibilities and stressful expectations? A survey conducted by Verywell Mind revealed that 80% of respondents found the holidays to be “somewhat...