
3 Ways Houseplants Improve Your Mental Health

Keeping a houseplant isn’t only a good hobby that will add beauty to any indoor space. Aside from the aesthetics, houseplants can also benefit your mental health. Plants are more than just decor or a hobby to keep; caring for them can give you a sense of purpose...

Why Taking a Mental Health Day Is so Important

Our lives can get quite stressful from time to time, which is why it is essential to remind ourselves to take a break. Our work lives can drain our entire energy and lead to serious mental health problems like burnouts and anxiety issues. When you are starting to feel...

What You Eat May Improve Your Mental Health

Food is fuel for us to function, and consuming different kinds of foods and drinks determines the nutrients we store in our body, hence the saying, you are what you eat.  Some people may wonder if what they eat affects their mental health. The answer is yes – the...

Exercise & Mental Health

For anyone who has suffered from depression or anxiety, you know just how difficult it is to get up and move on most days. However, on those days that you’re able to pull yourself out of bed, put on your workout clothes and go for a nice run or sweat session,...