
What Are the Best Foods for Healthy Teeth & Gums?

by | Jul 5, 2022 | Issue 151, Issues | 0 comments

You're never fully dressed without a smile, which is why you need to take care of your oral health. Regular visits to the dentist can help you take care of...

You’re never fully dressed without a smile, which is why you need to take care of your oral health. Regular visits to the dentist can help you take care of your pearly whites, but you also need to establish good oral habits. 

You should choose the best foods for your gums and teeth for solid dental health. Remember that if it’s good for your body, it should also be good for your teeth.


What Are the Best Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums?

The best foods for gums and teeth are low in sugar and acids. Foods such as leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, low-fat dairy products and lean protein are splendid choices for a healthy diet. These foods help protect your teeth from decay and gum disease while also providing essential nutrients to keep your mouth healthy. Generally, the best food for gums and teeth are the ones that are natural, unpacked and unprocessed.


The Best Food for Healthy Gums and Teeth


Leafy Green Vegetables 

Leafy Greens are some of the best foods you can eat for healthy teeth and gums. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are packed with nutrients that support oral health. They are low in sugar and high in fiber, which helps remove plaque from teeth. They also contain calcium, necessary for strong teeth.


Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are another great source of nutrients for healthy teeth and gums. They are high in protein and low in sugar, which helps keep plaque from forming on teeth. They also contain minerals like calcium and phosphorus, necessary for strong teeth and bones.


Low-Fat Dairy Products 

Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are fantastic for teeth and gums because they contain calcium and other minerals that support oral health. They are also a good protein source, which helps keep plaque from forming on teeth. Try to choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products to avoid adding too much sugar to your diet.

Lean Protein 

Protein is a fundamental nutrient not just for teeth and gums but for overall health as well. Protein helps prevent plaque from forming on teeth and supports oral health by providing essential minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. Choose lean protein sources like grilled chicken or fish, tofu or legumes.


Foods Low in Sugar and Acids 

Low-sugar and low-acid foods are the best choices for healthy teeth and gums. Choose foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean protein to keep your smile healthy and bright.

After eating, one of the most important things you need is water. Drinking water after a meal is crucial for your dental health as it washes food particles and keeps your saliva levels high.


What Causes Tooth Decay and Gum Disease?

Tooth decay and gum disease are caused by plaque build-up on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of food debris, bacteria and saliva. When plaque is not removed, it can harden into tartar and cause gum inflammation and tooth decay. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease, and if left untreated, it can ruin the tissues connecting the teeth to the bones. Foods and drinks high in sugar and acidic content are the main culprits when it comes to tooth decay and gum disease. Fortunately, the issue is still reversible when in the early stage and if the teeth are not impacted.


A Parting Reminder

If you are looking for ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy, eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of these healthy foods. In addition, be sure to brush and floss regularly and see your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. By taking these steps, you can help keep your smile healthy and bright for years to come.

Drew B

Drew B