
How To Approach Holistic Living Without Being Overwhelmed

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Lifestyle, Wellness & Lifestyle | 0 comments

As information on health and wellness has become more accessible and our society embraces a multitude of health trends, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of...

As information on health and wellness has become more accessible and our society embraces a multitude of health trends, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of advice and data. Excessive new material can be a significant roadblock to some as they search for ways to live a healthier, more fulfilling life. 

Holistic living is one of those health trends. This recent trend goes back to the roots of how our ancestors used to live and takes into account not just eating habits but also moving your body, taking care of your mental health, using clean products, and creating a natural approach to your whole lifestyle. Holistic living also doesn’t merely cut out modern medicine. It uses it sparingly as needed and in combination with other traditional living practices.

Holistic living doesn’t have to be a difficult task, and there are several ways to make it easier to digest all the new information and habits you can build. Let’s look at some practical ways to start sustainably incorporating holistic practices into your everyday routine without upending your current lifestyle all at once.



Lists are Your Friends

The easiest way to begin is by listing the topics you want to know more about. Stick to what comes to the top of your mind without doing any initial research and start with those topics. As you dive in, you will find other topics worth exploring, and you can add those to your list. 

If you can’t think of anything you’d like to start with, here is a list of several topics that are an excellent place to begin: recipes that use whole, fresh foods, the best ways to exercise for your body type and gender, natural alternatives to pain killers, household products with clean ingredients, and eating according to your cycle are a few good topics to get your holistic health journey on that right track.

Along with many of these topics are going to be products, foods, and habits you will want to take away and replace with holistic alternatives eventually. It is also beneficial to keep a running list of those things. It can be expensive to replace household cleaning products, makeup, and toiletries all at once, so it is best practice to replace things as you run out. Keeping a list of these products can help you keep track of them until you are ready to replace them with a healthier substitute.



Explore Different Research Avenues

Take some time to explore different research avenues like health journals, holistic medical blogs, and other health and wellness content creators that you can trust. Make sure these are ways of living you would like to emulate eventually, then stick to just a few of these research methods as you get started on the journey. As you learn more about holistic living and feel more confident in your decisions, expand your study resources and dig deeper.


Make a Commitment and Have a Reward System

Make a commitment to learn about a few of the topics on your list a month or whatever works best with your life. Some people may only have time for one subject a month, while others may be able to knock out a couple. Move at a pace that feels comfortable to you, and don’t pressure yourself to know it all, all at once. This is a lifelong process of unlearning and relearning in order to pass healthy lifestyles down to future generations.

A reward system can also accelerate the learning process and motivate you to keep progressing toward your commitment to holistic living. When you learn about a new topic or stick with a new habit, set a reward to keep your motivation going. And even when you don’t feel motivated, lean into disciplining your body and mind, and you’ll eventually reap the rewards of feeling well-rested, having more energy throughout the day, having a clear headspace to work and socialize, and so much more.



Be Gracious with Yourself in the Learning Process

Don’t beat yourself up when you feel like you have slipped off track with the goals you have set for yourself. Sometimes, it’s easier to just pick up the foods and cleaning supplies we know instead of researching. Sometimes, it’s easier to eat out. Count these as growing moments. You will make it there if you are still moving toward your goal in the long run! It could even be beneficial to reevaluate your goals and set smaller or bigger steps, depending on how you are motivated and work toward your goals.


The main takeaway is to get started. The well-known motivational speaker Marcus Taylor once said, 

“It’s hard not to have daily discipline. It’s hard to practice 

perseverance. It’s hard to practice compassion and 

forgiveness. It’s hard to set personal goals. It’s hard to 

take care of yourself. There’s a reward on the other side

of one pain, and there is regret on the other side of the 

other pain. The pain of regret will hurt you, so choose 

your hard.”



You will either reap rewards of immediate gratification and reap the long-term consequences of health problems, including physical and mental illness, or you will meet immediate resistance and grow stronger, eventually aging well, leading a full life when you’re older, and not facing the negative consequences of living an unhealthy lifestyle. The choice is yours, but as always, we want to encourage everyone to well-being mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Knowledge empowers healthy living. We hope this article encourages you to take the next steps toward holistic living, resulting in a healthier you.

Hannah H.

Hannah H.