
Tea vs. Coffee: Which Is Better for Your Health?

by | May 20, 2022 | Issue 147, Issues, Lifestyle | 0 comments

Coffee and tea are some of the most popular beverages in the world. Everyone has tried coffee or tea at least once in their life. You can enjoy these beverages...

Tea vs. Coffee: Which Is Better for Your Health?

Coffee and tea are some of the most popular beverages in the world. Everyone has tried coffee or tea at least once in their life. You can enjoy these beverages with sugar, cold or hot, with or without caffeine — the possibilities are endless! But we have to look at the health upsides and downsides of drinking coffee and tea before deciding to become Starbucks regulars or tea aficionados. 


Taking a Look at the Benefits of Coffee and Tea 

So many people can’t imagine starting their day without a warm cup of joe or the inviting fragrance of tea. Are you on team “coffee” or team “tea”? 


Coffee and Tea Are Rich in Antioxidants 

Studies have shown that both coffee and tea contain various powerful antioxidants called polyphenols (i.e., organic compounds) to avoid the additional relative clause. These antioxidants protect our organism from heart disease and prevent cancer cells from reaching the blood vessels. Antioxidants also help blood vessels relax, reducing high blood pressure and prevent cancer cells from reaching the blood vessels.


Weight Loss Benefits 

The caffeine in coffee and polyphenols in tea can help burn more calories. Regular caffeine intake is linked to lower body fat and weight loss. While its benefits still need to be studied, consuming black tea polyphenols can alter your organism’s healthy bacteria that impact weight management.



Both tea and coffee are proven laxatives. Caffeine contracts your intestine and stimulates your stomach’s acid production. Drink the beverage on an empty stomach for a more powerful effect.


Energy Increase 

The only difference between coffee and tea is that coffee gives you an instant energy boost due to its increased caffeine composition. It also increases your dopamine levels for a better mood. Tea contains less caffeine but more L-theanine, a potent antioxidant that provides anti-stress benefits. 


Which One Is Healthier: Coffee or Tea?

Studies have shown that immoderate coffee has more side effects, such as increased heart rate, high blood pressure and heart failure. Another downside coffee has is that you can get addicted to it because of the chemical changes that the beverage produces in your brain. Keep in mind to drink coffee responsibly. 

Because of their similar health benefits, scientists can’t really tell if coffee or tea is better than the other. Whichever way the choice falls depends on you. The choice between coffee and tea relies on your caffeine sensitivity and taste preferences.  


A Parting Reminder

Your taste and caffeine sensitivity play the biggest role when choosing between coffee and tea. Both provide the same health benefits without one being healthier than the other. Be free to choose which beverage you want to drink without sleeping on it.

Mălina O. R.

Mălina O. R.